We do load testing and stress testing to simulate real usage of hundreds or thousands of concurrent user connections to your websites and web servers with simple, as well as sofisticated, web usage patterns such as authentication, downloads, online orders, etc.
Website load testing can be an important tool to analyze bottlenecks in web application system components and to improve your web server’s performance.
We will analyze your web site and design a test plan to emulate almost any concurrent website usage pattern with powerful software an scripting tools that will cover usage scenarios regular visitors to your website would perform.
Before any real load testing is to be performed on a web server, it is important that webmasters and system administrators understand how to log and analyze all website traffic and errors that may surface in any component of the system during load testing.
In general, logging and debugging should be done in as much detail as possible, without affecting the web server performance capabilities.
It can often be quite involved or complicated to pinpoint performance bottlenecks in web applications, i.e. whether it appears in the web servers, in client-side caching, in URL rewriting from requests, database connections, operating system tasks, etc. A common solution to load problems in web servers is often to add more web servers in a load balancing scenario.
Webmasters should also realize that in many instances, it is necessary to create test data to use with complicated load testing projects – e.g. test users, test payment data etc.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information and a price quote for load testing your website or web application.